On the 19th of February, my teacher, mrs Luisa Brattico, held a lesson to our hosts, some American students, here in exchange for a week, about Italian music. The students did not know what the lesson was going to be about; "We honestly thought we were going to learn Italian" said one student...But they surely were in for a nice surprise. The lesson started at 8.20. 
Our teacher introduced the topic; then Alberto, an Italian student from class 4B, continued by starting to talk about all the different types of traditional Italian music and provided examples for each one. After listening to our National anthem, they were asked if it was okay for them to sing theirs and then started to do so. 

Whilst Giulia, a student from class 1B, was dancing to traditional folk songs, some american students decided to join it. "It was really fun", said on of them. After that, Rossella from class 4B, begun to talk about some traditional Italian instruments such as the ocarina or the cornamusa and where and how they originated; she continued by talking about opera and famous Italian opera singers, such as Luciano Pavarotti and Maria Callas. Then it was time to listen to some songs by decade, starting from the '50s  to the 2000s, with "Sere nere" by Tiziano Ferro. Thanks to the vocal tributes of Rossella (IV B) e of the "Beatles" Anna, Silvia, Sabrina, Caterina (I B).

The lesson was finished. The american students then took a test about what they had learned: they were mostly able to complete it by themselves, although they did try to ask for help from the Italian students. After that it was "conversation time" and both American and Italian students could freely talk to each other about whatever topic they wanted to. 
The next day I interview them and here it is what they had to say about the lesson: “We really enjoyed it but honestly we didn't expect it to be about music. They told us we would be having an Italian lesson so we automatically thought we were going to learn basic words and phrases and were surprised to find out it was actually about music. In the end we really liked it and did learn some basic words anyways. It was fun, enjoyable and really entertaining".
So, like Noah, one of the American students, said "As long as students are together, it's always going to be fun".



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AULULARIA: un esercizio di riscrittura